Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ta DA!

So here I am.  Back again.  No point in trying not to write because if I'm going to write then someone else better be fucking reading it or stealing it.  So here is the update:
Well my ex and I are done forever.  Yep. Forever.  And although I do still occasionally think about him, I'm kind of glad that its over forever.  Let's just face it, he did not appreciate me at all and you guys knew this the whole time.  The only issue with this is now I will have to find something else to bitch about besides my newfound ex.  I can still bitch about climbing of course but I'm afraid that will only hold your attention for so long.  No worries, I have a solution, I've already started dating someone else so I'll just bitch about him.  Problem solved.  Glad I got to talk about myself to you guys once again.  See you again really soon.